The new cycling laws just make common sense.
Drivers have been breaking laws for years trying to leave room for cyclists. The new laws allow drivers to cross solid lines to make room. Before the new rules, drivers had to ‘squeeze past’ cyclists to avoid crossing solid lines or driving on painted traffic islands.
Cyclists were forced to break the law to stay safe by riding on foot paths where there was no room for them on the road. The new rules allow cyclists to ride on the foot path where they need to.
It also makes common sense to not go overboard with the new rules. There is no need for drivers to swerve wildly onto the wrong side of the road to avoid cyclists. Just slow down, plan ahead then move around the cyclist when it’s safe. Cyclists also need to be mindful of pedestrians when riding on foot paths.
Everyone needs to play their part. Councils really need to adjust their street sweeping programs to keep cycle lanes clear of sticks, gravel, nails and screws that puncture bike tyres. Drivers talk about cyclists not riding in the cycle lane. Do the ever look close enough the see all the rubbish in the cycle lane.
Let’s use these new rules and our common sense. Drivers who look plan well ahead for all hazards including cyclists should enjoy the freedom offered by the new rules. Cyclists should enjoy more drivers leaving more space. Cyclists need to be mindful of not riding in a way that forces drivers to take unnecessary risks.
Our roads are getting busier every week. Let’s work together to make driving and riding better for everyone. It’s just common sense.
Learn more about the New Cycling Rules at mylicence.sa.gov.au
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