Reversing camera systems help drivers stay safe on the road. Many more drivers are keeping their independence. In the past, drivers unable to turn their head sufficiently were forced to give up their licence. This is no longer the case for more and more drivers. Multi camera reversing systems enable drivers to see and stay safe. Well designed systems may even allow drivers to see more than is possible using mirrors and turning their heads. Blind spot mirrors can help with lane changing … [Read more...]
Autism Spectrum Drivers – Great Drivers
Autism Spectrum drivers make great drivers. You just need to spend enough time and energy teaching them to drive. Many need about three times as much support at drivers not 'on the spectrum'. An Autistic learner driver must learn everything to do, everything not to do then learn that no-one else will drive that way. One of the biggest challenges is learning to cope with other drivers doing the wrong thing. This can be over come with the right support and training. Once it is understood that … [Read more...]
Technology lets thousands drive safely
New driving technology means more South Australians living with a disability can be safe drivers. They just don’t know it yet! Technology has changed the lives of people living with a disability. This is definitely true for car drivers. So many driving aids, tools and devices are available. Computer and electronic systems, voice control for accessories. The question is how do you learn to drive with these things? Where can you find them? Driving schools bringing technology to SA Most … [Read more...]
Hand controls now ‘more natural’
Driving with hand controls was once seen as a last resort. It was difficult, control was not always as good and driving long distances was not enjoyable. That was before the new ranges of electronic control systems became available.[iframe id=""] A client driving for the first time with one of our Fadiel Italia Hand Control systems recently had this to say - "it's fabulous, so much more natural, it's how I was taught to drive, two hands low on the … [Read more...]