How Safe Is Your Dog?
Dogs are often an integral part of the family. Remember to treat their safety with as much respect as you would your children. In the event of a crash, if dogs are unrestrained, they can be seriously injured or killed. They can also cause serious, even fatal injuries to others in the car.
Some years ago some one ran into the back of my car. Thankfully it was only a minor bump and I was able to drive the car home after. I had my brother’s dog on board at the time – a full grown Rottweiler named Chewie.
Due to my then ignorance, she was unrestrained. The force of that minor impact, was enough to send her through to the front of the car – between the bucket seats – and push the gear lever into neutral. Thankfully she was unhurt but could have had rib injuries, or worse.
This was only really a minor incident, but what if we had been hit from the side and the dog had been thrown against my then young son. My son could have been crushed by the weight of the 40 kilo dog. Needless to say, after that she wore her harness every time she came anywhere in my car.
Think about the consequences for your beloved pet and everyone else in the car. In a crash, a box of tissues can cause injuries. Loose objects weighing 1.2 kilos or more can be fatal. How much damage would your dog cause? Check out http://mythbustersresults.com/episode36.
It does not matter how big or small
We recently (August 2009) bought ourselves a little puppy. She is beautiful. A Maltese cross, fully grown she will weigh 5 or 6 kilos. We are happy to say that she has taken easily to wearing her harness when travelling in the car with us. Here she is, demonstrating how it’s done.
Wishing safe travels for you, your family and your pets,
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